What is argon gas? Properties and applications of argon gas

Cung cấp khí Argon công nghiệp

Argon is one of the rare gases on Earth. Widely used in industry today. In addition to the properties that can be applied in production life, argon gas also has a number of properties that, if not used, can be dangerous. To better understand what Argon is, in the article below, we will introduce you to what you need to know about this gas.

What is argon gas? Properties and applications of argon gas
What is argon gas? Properties and applications of argon gas

1. What is argon gas?

  • In chemistry, Argon is a chemical element in the periodic table, denoted Ar. Has an atomic mass of 18. This is a rare gas, in the Earth’s atmosphere, Argon accounts for only 0.9%.
  • In life, Ar is a gas that is widely used in industry. It is commonly used in soldering, melting metals and alloys. In particular, Argon is also widely used in the production of light bulbs because of its ability to prevent the filament from oxidizing.
  • Mixed gas 80% Argon + 20% CO2.
  • Application of argon in welding and cutting.

2. What are the properties of Argon gas?

Argon is an inert gas that does not react chemically with other chemicals. This gas has the following properties:

a. Physical properties:

In liquid or solid form, argon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-toxic gas. This gas is 1.5 times heavier than air.
Chemical properties: Argon is an inert gas so it does not react with other chemicals. Argon also does not dissolve metals in liquid or solid form. However, this gas is highly soluble in water, the solubility of Argon is approximately that of oxygen and 2.5 times that of nitrogen. One study showed that when Argon reacts with water, Argon can form meshes with water.

b. Application of Argon gas

Pure argon is applied in many areas of life such as:

In metal production

  • With the characteristic that when blowing into the molten metal, the loss of chromium and carbon content can be reduced. Argon is often used as a blowing gas used in steel production, zirconium production; used as cast gas shield.
  • Or in aluminum production, this gas is often used to remove particles in molten aluminum and dissolved hydrogen.

In the medical field

  • Argon application in cryosurgery.
  • This gas has the ability to destroy small areas of diseased tissue, so it can help the surgical process take place accurately.
  • In addition, this gas is also used to treat cardiac arrhythmias because of its ability to destroy cells that block electrical impulses.

See more >>> Application of oxygen in medicine

In daily life

  • Argon is used in the manufacture of incandescent and fluorescent lamps because of its non-reactive properties with the filament and can reduce the rate of evaporation and oxidation of the filament.
  • Besides the application in the production of light bulbs. This gas is also used as a filler gas between the glass panes of thermal window frames. Argon is a colorless, odorless and relatively heavy gas. When padded between the panes of a thermal window frame, this gas has the ability to reduce heat transfer between the panes of glass.
  • This substance is also used to preserve wine. In restaurants, bartenders, and bars, this gas is used to preserve opened bottles of wine, preventing wine from forming vinegar.
Argon gas for industrial use
Argon gas for industrial use

Application of Argon in the food industry

c. Preparation and preservation of Argon

  • Condensation method is the main method for the preparation of Argon.
  • This method proceeds by condensing air at a low temperature.
  • Then separate Argon from oxygen and nitrogen gas.
  • In addition, in ferrous metallurgical plants, Argon is prepared from plant products and flue gas in the production of NH3.
  • Pure argon jar.
  • Preparation of Ar gas by air condensation method.

In the gaseous state, Ar gas is stored in steel cylinders, automobile cement or stored in large tanks under a pressure of ≤2.0 Mpa, at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

Due to its heavier nature than air, Argon can cause hypoxia, causing suffocation for users. Therefore, when using an argon tank, it is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of oxygen in the air, not to let the oxygen rate be lower than 19%.





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